Ecosourcing is the propagation of native plants from a representative
sample of the local wild population for ecological restoration.
Ecosourcing ensures that your planting reflects the diversity characteristic
of the local population and so preserves biodiversity.
If you would like a regular update on the local native plants producing seed and
a bit of information about the plants contact
Remember whenever collecting seed; first ask for permission from the land owner,
whether it is privately owned, DOC estate or a local council reserve.
Ecosourcing requires the collection of seed from plants known to be naturally
occurring where they are growing and preferably from a range of the specimens available.
The following info has been supplied by Wayne Bennett.
There is a good lot of seed available from the Kāniwhaniwha reserve and Nikau walkway. Concentration on those areas will provide the appropriate species.
Kāniwhaniwha Reserve
Species and Month to collect seed
Titoki Nov-Dec
Porokaiwhiri Oct- Nov
Tawa Feb
Matai Feb-March
Kahikatea March-April
Lacebark March
Totora March
Toetoe March
Karamu Reserve
Manatu/Ribbonwood March
Kahikatea March
Kowhai March
Pokaka March
Pukatea March-April
Karamu Feb-May
Mahoe March-May
Kanuka March
Harakeke March
Pate/Patete March-June
Mangeo April
Mapou March-August (quite variable)
Wineberry/makomako April
Hangehange March
Heketara November
Rangiora November
Nikau Walkway
Putaputaweta March-May
Rewarewa June
Ramarama April
Kamahi March April
Koromiko March-June
Karamu Feb-May
Carex geminata March
Tutu April May (good for erosion control but poisonous)